Round Work Gallery – Segmented Wood Turning
Everything you see in this gallery is for sale or was sold. Unique wood art is available to purchase by clicking the contact to purchase button. Standard pieces or one of a kind can be purchased via this site. Please use the ‘comment’ section to describe the wood art you would like with the materials you are considering and I will reply via email with pricing information.
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All you see was turned on a 1950’s Delta, 4 speed pulley lathe that is older than I am and which I inherited from my Grandfather, George Seeley. Having the latest and greatest is not in my budget but learning to make the most out of what you have is always in style.
- segmented turning single generation blanks. 3 different combinations of birch, mahogany and poplar demonstrate color use in design.
- Multi generational segmented wood turning. Mahogany, poplar and butternut form this 4 generation with vertical accents , lamination.
- Multi generational segmented wood turning. Walnut vase with maple, 3 generation lamination design.
- Segmented wood turning. This Honey locust with Brazilian walnut highlights is a favorite for its simplicity and expressive grain.
- Segmented wood turning. Cherry and Mahogany vases use finger joinery to create a turning blank.
- Segmented wood turning. Cherry and Mahogany vases use finger joinery to create a turning blank.
- Segmented wood turning by Timothy. An Oats design with Koa from Hi. and Maple.
- 6 inch high walnut glasses with maple and veneers on the bias.
- An example of ‘linear radius design with plywood on the bias.
- An example of ‘linear radius design with particle board on the bias 60 degrees.
- An example of ‘linear radius design with particle board on the bias 30 degrees.
- ‘If you give a wood turner a cookie’ is one of my blog posts that can guide through the process of creating this design.
- Walnut vase constructed out of triangles
- 2 Vases using the Oats design with Maple and Walnut.
- Segmented Wood turning. Ash vase with 3D highlight ring of tumbling block design.
- Segmented Wood turning. Honey Locust vase with 3D highlight ring of tumbling block design.
- Multi Generational segmented vase with mahogany highlights.
- Segmented wood turning, These highlights are made of particle board on the bias or what I term ‘Linear radius’.
- Segmented wood turning, Cherry with purple heart, blood wood and paduk highlights
- Segmented Wood turning, this unique vase is of ebony , mahogany and maple.
- 4 Segmented wood turning vases.
- Segmented wood turning consisting of over 3000 individual pcs of walnut, ash, cherry, oak with ebony highlights.
- Segmented Wood turning. Ash vase with 3D highlight ring of tumbling block design.